Just Before You Leave

One month until departure. Most bureaucratic matters are taken care of. I still have to move my belongings to my parents house but that is a minor issue since I have drastically reduced the amount of my belongings. It's mainly books, clothes and tramping gear that is left. :)

I got a flight to my first destination: Vancouver, Canada. I still have to decide on where to spend my first few nights and make reservations but I'll do that in the next few weeks.The idea is to spend a few weeks or months in western Canada before heading south for the winter. But we'll see how that goes.

Right now, it's time to say goodbyes, meet up with good friends one last time and enjoy the gorgeous summer weather in Switzerland with some hikes and trips. I hiked up Rigi, Brisi and Dreibündenstein in the last few weeks. Here's some impressions:


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